Samsung Galaxy S25 series is expected to debut early next year at an Galaxy Unpacked event reportedly scheduled for January 22. The lineup is speculated to comprise three models — the standard Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25+, and Galaxy S25 Ultra. Ahead of its anticipated debut, a tipster has shared mockups of the top-of-the-line Ultra variant that showcase its tweaked design with rounded corners. Further, live images of the purported Galaxy S25+ have also surfaced, revealing a familiar design but with new antenna placement.
Samsung Galaxy S25 Series Design Changes
In a post on X (formerly Twitter), tipster Evan Blass (@evleaks) shared renders of both Samsung Galaxy S25+ and Galaxy S25 Ultra. While the former appears to have an unaltered look, it is the latter where changes seem prominent. Corroborating previous leaks, the purported Galaxy S25 Ultra can be seen with more rounded corners, potentially ditching the boxy design that has become synonymous with Samsung’s ‘Ultra’ models in recent years.
The handset may also feature thinner bezels than its predecessor, and if a recent report is to go by, they might be even less prominent than the bezels on its competitors such as the iPhone 16 Pro Max and the Xiaomi 15.
In a separate development, tipster Jukanlosreve (@Jukanlosreve) shared live hands-on images of the purported Galaxy S25+ which corroborate the minimal design changes but also give a glimpse of the new antenna placement. At first glance, the handset appears to have a new button at the bottom of the right spine which is reminiscent of the new Camera Control button on the iPhone 16 models.
However, the tipster highlights that this may actually be the mmWave antenna since the handset being displayed is a US variant sporting the model number SM-S926U, with ‘U’ indicating the region it is meant to be sold in. Courtesy of this inclusion, the Galaxy S25+ may support faster 5G network speeds.