Amazfit Active Edge was unveiled in India on February 23, Friday. Details about the smart wearable have been revealed by the company and it will be available for purchase in the country later this month. The smartwatch comes in three colour options, with a round dial, four buttons, and is claimed to sport a rugged design. It comes with multiple pre-loaded gym, exercise, and workout training modes. It also supports more than 100 watch faces and is claimed to offer a battery life of up to 16 days.
Amazfit Active Edge price in India, availability
Offered in Lava Black, Mint Green, and Midnight Pulse colourways, the Amazfit Active Edge is priced in India at Rs. 12,999. It will be available for purchase in the country via Amazon, the Amazfit India website, and retail stores starting February 27.
Amazfit Active Edge specifications, features
The Amazfit Active Edge features a 1.32-inch LTPO LCD screen with a resolution of 360 x 360 pixels and an anti-fingerprint coating on the touchscreen. It runs on ZeppOS 2.0 out-of-the-box. The watch is backed by a 370mAh battery that is claimed to offer up to 16 days of battery life in a typical usage scenario. The global listing of the model claims that in the battery saver mode, it may offer up to 24 days of usage.
Like most other fitness trackers, the Amazfit Active Edge is equipped with 24×7 continuous heart rate monitoring, alongside blood oxygen or SpO2, stress, steps, activity, and sleep trackers. All the data from these sensors can be synchronised with the Zepp App. The smartwatch also comes with a PPG biometric sensor, and it supports GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, and QZSS connectivity.Â
The Amazfit Active Edge also supports Bluetooth 5.0 and it is compatible with products running Android 7.0, iOS 14.0, and above. It also has 10ATM water resistance, supports more than 100 watch faces and sports modes alongside the Zepp Coach mode that is said to help users with customised training plans.Â