Canon has announced the arrival of its recently launch, mid-segment DSLR — the EOS 850D — in India. It will go on sale in April, so right now, the company hasn’t announced the price. The EOS 850D is a new arrival in Canon’s EOS family and will go on to replace the existing EOS 800D. The major improvements in the new model include the use of Canon’s DIGIC 8 image processor, along with support for 4K video recording. Canon is pitching it as the ideal DSLR for photographers looking to upgrade from an entry-level DSLR to a mid-level one.
The Canon EOS 850D weighs 515 grams and features a 24.1-megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor, with the aforementioned DIGIC 8 image processor. It boasts of a 45-point, all cross-type autofocus grid, with support for object tracking and face detection autofocus. It has an ISO range of 100 to 25,600, which can be expanded to 51,200. It’s also capable of doing 7fps burst shooting with fixed or tracking autofocus and a maximum shutter speed of 1/4,000 seconds. In live view mode, you can use the DualPixel autofocus system, which lets you choose any of the 3,975 selectable autofocus points for precise focusing. There’s also eye detection autofocus, for better portrait shots.
At the back, the EOS 850D gets a 3-inch, fully-articulating touchscreen display with a resolution of 1.04 million dots. It can shoot videos of up to 4K resolution at 24fps or full-HD videos at up to 60fps. There’s also a built-in 4K timelapse movie function. There’s no sensor stabilisation but you can enable electronic stabilisation. The camera also feature built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE connectivity for syncing with the Canon Camera Connect app.
“At Canon, we relentlessly strive to understand user sentiments and deliver our products and services accordingly in line with their requirements,” said Kazutada Kobayashi, President and CEO, Canon India, in a statement. “With the launch of our latest marvel EOS 850D, we want to provide the photography enthusiasts with an affordable product to further upgrade their skills in their photography journey.”
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