OnePlus 13R will launch in India and in select global markets on January 7 alongside the OnePlus 13. The phone is said to be a rebrand of the OnePlus Ace 5, which was introduced in China alongside a Pro variant on December 26. The company had previously confirmed several features of the upcoming handset and revealed the phone’s design and colour options as well. However, ahead of the launch, new renders of the OnePlus 13R showing its complete design have leaked online.
OnePlus 13R Leaked Design Renders
The OnePlus 13R is confirmed to be offered in Astral Trail and Nebula Noir colour options. In promotional images, the smartphone appears with a large, circular camera module at the top left of the rear panel. It holds three sensors alongside an LED flash unit. The leaked renders shared by X user Arsène Lupin (@MysteryLupin) show the design of the upcoming handset in more detail.
The front of the OnePlus 13R displays a screen with thin, uniform bezels and a hole-punch slot at the top. The right edge holds the volume rocker and the power button, while the left edge has an alert slider. The top edge appears with an IR sensor, while the bottom edge holds the USB Type-C port, a SIM card slot, the speaker grille and the mic.
OnePlus 13R Specifications
The OnePlus 13R is confirmed to be powered by a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC. It will support AI-backed photo editing and note-taking features. The phone will house a 6,000mAh battery and will be available for purchase in India via Amazon.Â
Similar to the OnePlus Ace 5, the OnePlus 13R may sport a 6.78-inch full-HD+ display with up to 120Hz refresh rate and up to 1,600 nits global peak brightness. The phone could get a 50-megapixel triple rear camera unit alongside an 8-megapixel secondary and a 2-megapixel macro sensor. The front camera will likely hold a 16-megapixel sensor.
Notably, the OnePlus Ace 5 carries a 6,400mAh battery with support for 80W wired fast charging and an IP65-rated build against dust and water ingress. It is equipped with an in-display fingerprint sensor for security.