Samsung Galaxy Fit 3 has officially been unveiled by the company on Thursday, February 22. Recently, the smartwatch was spotted on the company’s UAE website, but now it has been introduced and will be available to buy starting February 23 in select markets including India. It succeeds the Galaxy Fit 2, which was launched in September 2020, and comes with significant upgrades over it. The South Korean tech giant revealed that the display on the fitness tracker is 45 percent wider compared to its predecessor.
Samsung Galaxy Fit 3 price in India
The Galaxy Fit 3 price in India is set at Rs. 4,999. It is available for purchase via the Samsung website and other online resellers in Grey, Silver, and Pink Gold colour options.
Samsung Galaxy Fit 3 features
The announcement was made by a post via Samsung’s Philippines newsroom, which also revealed some of its key specifications. Debuting four years after its previous edition, the Galaxy Fit 3 has an aluminium build, in contrast to the polycarbonate chassis of the older model. The fitness tracker also lets users easily change bands with a one-click release mechanism, although they will have to purchase additional bands separately. The smartwatch will be available in grey, pink gold, and silver colour options.
Coming to features, the Samsung Galaxy Fit 3 sports a 1.6-inch display and the company highlights that it is 45 percent wider than Galaxy Fit 2, which came with a 1.1-inch screen. While the type of display was not disclosed, reports suggest that it could be an OLED panel. Details about the processor of the fitness tracker were not revealed, but it is reported to be paired with 16MB RAM and 256MB of inbuilt storage. The smartwatch also gets more than 100 watch faces, and users can also add their photos as background.
The Galaxy Fit 3 features heart rate and stress level monitoring, blood oxygen (SpO2) level monitoring, sensors for tracking sleep patterns and snoring, and more. There is a Sleep Coach feature available that provides users with personalised insights to improve their sleep quality. For fitness enthusiasts, the fitness tracker comes with more than 100 workout modes. It has an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance (up to 5ATM).
Apart from this, the smartwatch also has new functionalities such as Fall Detection and Emergency SOS. Describing the feature, Samsung said, “When an abnormal fall is detected, the Galaxy Fit3 gives users the option to call emergency services right away to get medical support in a timely manner. When users are in an emergency, they can send an SOS immediately by pressing the side button five times.” The tracker can also be used as a remote control for their Galaxy smartphones to take pictures, set timers, and control media player settings.