Samsung Galaxy M35 5G could launch soon in India. A support page for the smartphone has been spotted on the Samsung India website, hinting at its imminent launch. The handset was previously spotted on benchmarking and certification sites. Now, it has been reportedly listed on a few other certification websites. The purported handset is expected to succeed the Samsung Galaxy M34 5G, which was unveiled in India in July 2023.
The support page for the Samsung Galaxy M35 5G has gone live on the Samsung India website suggesting an imminent launch in the country. It is listed with the model number SM-M356B/DS but no other details about the handset have been revealed.Â
Samsung Galaxy M35 5G was also spotted on the FCC certification site with the model number SM-M356B, according to a 91Mobiles report. The listing suggested that the phone could support NFC, LTE, and 5G connectivity. It is said to be listed with a 25W charging adapter, hinting at its fast charging capabilities.
The report adds that the Samsung Galaxy M35 5G was also spotted on the Dekra certification site with the model number EB-BM156ABY. The model appears to be listed with a 5,880mAh rated battery. It will likely be marketed as a 6,000mAh typical battery.
An earlier Geekbench listing suggested that the Samsung Galaxy M35 5G could be powered by an in-house Exynos 1380 SoC paired with 6GB of RAM. It may ship with Android 14-based One UI 6.Â
The Samsung Galaxy M35 5G has been tipped to be a rebadged version of the Galaxy A35 5G, which was introduced in India in March this year. The Galaxy A35 5G comes with an Exynos 1380 SoC, a 5,000mAh battery with 25W fast charging support, a 50-megapixel triple rear camera system, a 13-megapixel selfie shooter, and a 6.6-inch full-HD+ Super AMOLED display.