Boat Storm Connect Plus smartwatch was unveiled in India on Tuesday. The smartwatch is equipped with a 1.91-inch display with up to 550 nits of peak brightness and a 2.5D curved glass with a 90 percent screen-to-body ratio. The smartwatch features support for Bluetooth calling, along with the company’s ENx algorithm, which is claimed to eliminate background noise during Bluetooth calls. It features over 100 watch faces and also offers health measurement tools including a heart rate tracker and SpO2 monitor.
Boat Storm Connect Plus price in India, availability
Boat Storm Connect Plus smartwatch price in India is set at Rs. 1,999. It is worth noting that the company says this is introductory pricing and is yet to reveal the retail pricing of the device. It is available in four colour variants — Active Black, Active Blue, Cool Grey, and Maroon.
The smartwatch can be purchased via the official Boat website.
Boat Storm Connect Plus specifications, features
Boat Storm Connect Plus smartwatch sports a 1.91-inch HD display with 550 nits brightness and 2.5D curved glass with a 90 percent screen-to-body ratio. The watch is equipped with a square dial. It supports Bluetooth calling enabling users to make and receive phone calls directly from the watch while the company’s ENx algorithm is claimed to cancel background voice to offer noise-free calling using the watch.
The smartwatch also offers health-tracking features like SpO2 monitoring and heart rate sensors. The Boat Storm Connect Plus also features over 100 sports modes.
Users can also pick from over 100 watch faces to customise the wearable device. The Boat Storm Connect Plus also has an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance.
The Boat Storm Connect Plus smartwatch houses a 300mAh battery which is said to be fully charged in 2 hours. The watch is claimed to last for up to seven days with regular use. Other highlights of the watch are an alarm, countdown timer, stopwatch, push notification for SMS, social media and apps. It also features music controls, camera controls, and weather updates, according to the company.Â
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