Infinix InBook X2 Slim was launched in India on Friday. The company announced that the laptop weighs 1.24 kilograms thanks to the lightweight aluminium alloy-based metal body. It is 14.8mm thick and features 4.7mm thin bezels. The 11th Gen Intel chips powering the laptop are offered in three processor variants – Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, and Intel Core i7. The laptop comes with a 14-inch full-HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) display and is backed by a 50Wh lithium polymer battery. It is pre-installed with Windows 11 OS.
Infinix InBook X2 Slim price in India, availability
Offered in Blue, Green, Grey, and Red colour variants, the 8GB RAM and 256GB storage variant of the Infinix InBook X2 Slim with the Intel Core i3 chipset is priced at Rs. 29,990, while the model with 512GB storage is marked at Rs. 31,990. With discounts of Rs. 2,000, the laptops are available for sale at Rs. 27,990 and Rs. 30,990, respectively.
The 16GB + 512GB Intel Core i5 model and the 16GB + 1TB Intel Core i5 equipped models are marked at Rs. 38,990 and Rs. 40,990, respectively. Meanwhile, the 16GB + 512GB Intel Core i7 variant is offered at Rs. 48,990 and the high-end 16GB + 1TB Intel Core i7 model of the Infinix InBook X2 Slim is priced at Rs. 50,990.
All the models and their variants will be available on purchase through Flipkart starting June 9. The company has not announced any discounts or offers on the i5 and i7 models yet.
Infinix InBook X2 Slim specifications, features
The compact 14-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD display of the Infinix InBook X2 offers a brightness level of 300 nits, 100 percent sRGB, and 72 percent NTSC. The laptop is powered by 11th Gen Intel processors. The Intel Core i3 (1115G4) processors are paired with Intel UHD Graphics, while the Intel Core i5 (1155G7) and Intel Core i7 (1195G7) chips are equipped with Iris Xe Graphics.
Infinix’s latest laptop is offered in configuration options of 8GB or 16GB of LPDDR4X RAM and 256GB, 512GB or 1TB of NVMe PCIe 3.0 SSD storage. Infinix InBook X2 Slim also comes pre-installed with Windows 11 OS. The laptop includes a 720p HD webcam with dual-star LED fill lights.
The Infinix InBook X2 Slim is backed by a 50Wh lithium polymer battery with 65W PD 3.0 USB Type-C fast charging support. It also supports Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth v5.1 connectivity. The laptop is equipped with two USB Type-C ports, two USB 3.0 ports, one HDMI 1.4, an SD card slot, and a 3.5mm audio jack. Other features include DTS-supported stereo speakers, and an inbuilt digital microphone. Weighing 1.24 kilograms, the laptop measures 323.3mm x 211.1mm x 14.8mm in size.
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