Pebble Cosmos Bold Pro smartwatch has been unveiled in India for under Rs 3,000. The smartwatch sports a 1.39-inch IPS HD display with 500 nits brightness and 2.5D curved glass. The smartwatch features a metallic body with a changeable metallic strap. The Pebble Cosmos Bold Pro smartwatch comes with support for Bluetooth calling and offers several smart health trackers including heart rate monitors and blood oxygen level sensors. The smartwatch also supports more than 100 sports modes.
Pebble Cosmos Bold Pro price, availability in India
The Pebble Cosmos Bold Pro smartwatch is available at an introductory price of Rs. 2,799 via the official Pebble website.
Pebble Cosmos Bold Pro smartwatch comes in four different colour variants — Metal Gold, Metal Black, Metal Silver, and Gunmetal.
Pebble Cosmos Bold Pro specifications, features
Pebble has expanded its luxury smartwatch collection with the new Pebble Cosmos Bold Pro smartwatch. It features a 1.39-inch HD display with a 360p resolution, 500 nits brightness, and 2.5D curved glass. It sports a round dial, a metallic body, and a rotating crown. The smartwatch supports Bluetooth calling feature, enabling users to make and receive phone calls directly from the watch. The wearable is compatible with both iOS and Android devices.
The smartwatch also has AI voice assistant support like Google Assistant and Siri. The Pebble Cosmos Bold Pro packs several smart health trackers like SpO2 monitoring, dynamic heart rate tracking, and sleep monitoring.
Additionally, the smartwatch also offers over 100 sports modes and multiple cloud-based watch faces. The Pebble Cosmos Bold Pro also has an IP67 rating for dust and water resistance. Further, the smartwatch houses a 260mAh battery with support for wired charging. The watch is claimed to last for up to five days with Bluetooth calling enabled and up to seven days with regular usage. Other highlights of the watch are alarm & notification, zen mode, sleep, display timer, flashlight, find phone, voice assistant, music, camera shutter, and menu style among others.Â
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