Samsung Galaxy M14 5G India launch date has been announced. The smartphone was launched in Ukraine last month and is now making its way to India. It is equipped with a 5nm Exynos 1330 SoC, and features a triple rear camera setup. The Galaxy M14 5G will also offer a large 6,000mAh battery that is claimed to offer up to two days of usage. The handset was also spotted on the official Samsung India website, where its support page went live.
As per Samsung, the Galaxy M14 5G will launch in India on April 17 at 12pm IST. The smartphone will be available for purchase on Amazon India as a teaser page has also gone live. Samsung is teasing the smartphone on its official India website as well. The teaser page reveals some key specifications of the handset. The specifications seem to match the Galaxy M14 5G variant that was launched in Ukraine last month, suggesting that the Indian variant will carry the same hardware. Samsung has also teased the price of the smartphone, which is said to be above Rs. 13,000.Â
Samsung Galaxy M14 5G specifications
The Samsung Galaxy M14 5G will be equipped with the 5nm Exynos 1330 SoC and come with a triple rear camera setup comprising of a 50-megapixel primary sensor. Samsung, via the Amazon India teaser, also teased a 13-megapixel front facing camera. The phone will also offer a large 6,000mAh battery with 25W fast charging support. The South Korean giant claims that the phone can offer up to two days of usage from a single charge.
If the Galaxy M14 5G variant launching in India is the same as the one that launched in Ukraine, then we can also expect the phone to feature a 6.6-inch full-HD+ IPS LCD display. The smartphone could also run Android 13-based One UI out of the box. As for RAM and storage, the handset could offer up to 4GB RAM and 128GB inbuilt storage.
For optics, apart from the 50-megapixel primary sensor, the phone could get dual 2-megapixel sensors for depth and macro modes. Finally, the Galaxy M14 5G could offer a side-mounted fingerprint scanner and be available in three colour variants. We should find out pricing and other details when the phone is launched next week.