Samsung launched the Galaxy S23 series earlier this year in February. While the flagship phones come with an enhanced camera experience, several Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+ users have reported a camera blur issue in close-up shots. Now, Samsung, too, has confirmed the issue on its community page for Europe. The company said that a fix to this problem via a software update is on the way. The South Korean firm has also explained the reason behind the issue as well as the workaround to prevent the blurring.
Samsung via its community page has confirmed that the area around the subject looks a bit blurry in close-up shots taken from the Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+. The company also explained that the rear wide-angle camera on the S23 and S23+ has a bright aperture, which makes the background of the photos look a bit blurry. Samsung has said that the issue will be fixed via a software update.
Meanwhile, Samsung has also shared some workaround ways to fix the camera blur issue on the Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+. Samsung has recommended users take a picture from a slightly greater distance or hold the phone vertically while taking pictures. It has added that holding the phone horizontally or obliquely can make the background appear blurry.
Samsung launched the Galaxy S23, Galaxy S23+, and Galaxy S23 Ultra earlier this year in February. The Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+ share many similarities, including a 6.6-inch full-HD+ Dynamic AMOLED 2X display with a refresh rate spanning from 48Hz to 120Hz and a touch sampling rate of 240Hz in game mode. Both phones are powered by a modified version of Qualcomm’s latest chipset i.e., Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy.
For optics, the phones ship with a triple rear camera setup comprising a 50-megapixel primary wide-angle sensor, a 12-megapixel ultra-wide lens, and a 10-megapixel telephoto camera with 3x optical zoom. The phones also have a 12-megapixel selfie camera.Â
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