Samsung launched new OLED TV models in India on Thursday. The new range includes S95C and S90C series TVs and they are offered in 77-inch, 65-inch, and 55-inch display sizes. Samsung’s S95C and S90C TV series are powered by AI-enabled Neural Quantum Processor 4K and they feature PANTONE-certified display with up to 144Hz refresh rate. All new OLED TV models are said to be made in India. They come equipped with Motion Xcelerator Turbo Pro for gaming. Further, they are bundled with a solar-powered remote control.
Samsung OLED TV series price in India, availability
Price of the new Samsung OLED TV series starts at Rs. 1,69,990. As mentioned, the new range includes — S95C and S90C series – and both come in 77-inch, 65-inch, and 55-inch sizes. The new TVs will be available via Samsung and other leading retail stores starting today.
All OLED TV models launched today are claimed to be manufactured in India and they come with a two-year warranty. Samsung is offering up to 20 percent cashback on purchases made through select bank cards. Easy EMI options start at Rs. 2,990.
Samsung OLED TV series specifications
Latest Samsung OLED TV range runs on the company’s Neural Quantum Processor with 4K Upscaling. With AI, this technology upscales sub-4K content to near-4K quality. The display is PANTONE certified for delivering a wide range of colours. It is said to provide 2,030 Pantone colours and 110 skin tone shades. The new TVs include EyeComfort Mode, that automatically adjusts the screen’s brightness and tone depending on the surrounding light.
Samsung OLED TV series uses the Infinity One Design that features narrow edges. They also have an attachable One Connect Box. The TVs also support wireless Dolby Atmos audio and OTS+. For an immersive experience, there is a Q-Symphony feature that allows users to play sound from the soundbar and TV speakers at the same time.
The remote of the new models is unique for its solar charging capability. It can be charged with indoor lighting or electromagnetic waves generated from different home devices.
Samsung OLED TVs come with Motion Xcelerator Turbo Pro technology for gaming. It delivers up to 144Hz refresh rate and offers various gaming features such as Game Bar, Mini Map Zoom, and Virtual Aim Point, among others. New models include an inbuilt IoT Hub with a Calm Onboarding feature and IoT-enabled sensors for connecting and controlling all surrounding smart devices.
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